17 January, 2014

Astrology: What's Going on in Egypt?

As astrologers often write, outer planets like Uranus and Pluto often correspond with world events. They posit that the Square (extreme tension) between these two planets is indicative of revolt (Uranus in Aries) (Aries ruled by Mars) against traditional, entrenched systems (Pluto in Capricorn) (Capricorn ruled by Saturn).
   I've been thinking about Egypt and changing events there, and now -- stalemate -- after massacres less publicized than the initial attention given to the uprising against Mubarak.  Some, though not all, analysts speculate that conditions in Egypt are unlikely to improve for a long while: that, in fact, it is worse politically, and life there far more dangerous for most Egyptians than when Mubarak was in power.
   Looking at this astrologically, the Uranus-Pluto square continues, though at times it is wider, and at others-- tighter: the latter making political conditions worldwide less stable and disruption more intense. Eventually, it is meant to dis-empower corrupt leadership and bring about a better planet. But in the meantime, it can cause violence and prolonged struggle.

    Venus in Capricorn conjunct Pluto, however, only makes cold Saturn (what is outworn tradition) stronger. And the Sun having been in Capricorn as well (until the next few days when it will ingress into Aquarius) has been like an energetic wall, foiling revolution, and even installing more corruption, forming this stalemate.
    I'm wondering how soon things will begin to change with Sun in Aquarius (Ironically, ruled by by both Uranus and Saturn) entering the mix.  In the meantime, while Venus remains in Capricorn (Saturn ruled), change for the better will be slow to come for Egypt. I won't go on about my politics, which must be apparent to readers of this blog.  But regardless of your personal political position, we could say the prediction holds true for other revolutions as well, as least until March when the balance of power will begin again to shift.
       See Sarah Carr, Blog from Egypt: "They Love a Man in Uniform" - http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio archives/episode/516/stuck-in-the-middle
      Also see "On Point" US Broadcast: NPR: Egypt

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