27 August, 2013

Astrology: Mars in Leo (Expect Drama, Theatrics)

The planet Mars has just transited into Leo.  The moon is also now in Gemini, indicating conversation and fluctuating moods.
     Expect a lot of talk (Gemini) and changing news about global events.  
     Also expect drama and theatrics.
     Until now, talks about the situation in Syria have been just that -- discussion, some threat of action, and the forming of a global coalition.  Things have moved slowly, thoughtfully, and no dramatic action has been taken.
    As I predicted in the last two paragraphs of August 24th's post, the earth trine (which included the Moon in Taurus at the time) curtailed action and brought the pragmatism of earth to global, as well as personal events.  
    As of today, serious fires in the western United States have also begun to be contained, as expected (See conclusion of August 24th Post).  
    But now, although there is still the stability of a few earth signs -- the Mars in (Leo) fire suddenly paired with this firey planet, may make containment more difficult.  Fortunately, positively aspected water signs could contribute calm: Saturn (deliberation) and Neptune (creative problem-solving).
    In your personal lives, extremely frustrating situations may crop up, making you want to scream in the car, or turn up the music and yell into a pillow.  If you have the opportunity, dance and shout with others.
    Given some of the current planets, emotions need to be harmlessly vented -- instead of at others -- on a personal as well as global level.  Be sure not to turn them onto yourself, which can lead to depression, particularly at a time like this. If you are creative, you could do some amazing work with Saturn and Neptune trine in water.