26 August, 2013

Astrology & Astronomy: Sun opposed Neptune

  At present Neptune opposes the Sun, which is at 3 degrees Virgo: Neptune is 3 degrees Pisces.  This exact opposition is one illustration of how Astrology is derived from Astronomy. (See *** below for Astronomical discussion of the opposition of the Sun and this planet.)
     Astrologically, Neptune (considered a planet of imagination as well as confusion) is transiting equally imaginative Pisces, and opposing pragmatic, organized Virgo. 
     This can create tension, confusion, and frustration, especially for those individuals who have these signs prominent in their charts. 
     This is particularly true for people who have the Sun, Ascendant, or one or more planets in Virgo because the resulting confusion goes against their need for planning and organization.  They may feel as if their thinking is cloudy and/or their plans not running as smoothly as they'd like.  
     The cure for this is to use the creativity of Pisces to approach planning from a new perspective, and to create.  Even if you think of yourself as not being creative, you can write out your ideas or your frustration, creatively brainstorm-map your plans while listening to music. 

*** This optimal positioning occurs when Neptune makes its closest approach to the point directly opposite to the Sun in the sky – an event termed opposition, the exact moment of which will be 20:29 CDT. Since the Sun reaches its greatest distance below the horizon at midnight, the point opposite to it is highest in the sky at the same time.
At around the same time that Neptune passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest and largest in the night sky. This happens because when Neptune lies opposite to the Sun in the night sky, the Solar System is lined up so that Neptune, the Earth and the Sun lie in a straight line with the Earth in the middle, on the same side of the Sun as Neptune.

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