09 September, 2013

Astrology: Libra Smooths Harsh Angles

The Moon is in Scorpio again, potentially angry and headstrong. (I've mentioned moon in Scorpio previously - 5/23/13, 8/11/13, 1/16/12). At least this isn't a full moon.
      The moon (as I've mentioned) represents emotion.
      In addition, Saturn in Scorpio continues to square Mars in Leo: a harsh aspect.
      Arguments, especially unresolved situations, can quickly crop up.  Personally and professionally, watch out for manipulation and power struggles.
      If you have planets in Leo and Scorpio at early degrees, as I have, or harshly aspecting (squaring or opposing) these two signs, you may feel considerable pressure or be the recipient of anger from others.
      In general, Saturn says "stop" or at least "slow down." Mars says "go."  Saturn is stern responsibility and Mars is action. This creates frustration for everyone.  Watch out for enraged drivers and acquaintances.
      Check to see where Leo and Scorpio appear in your personal chart -- in which houses and what those houses represent.
      The upside is that both Mercury (communication) and Venus (love) are in Libra (relationships, getting along) at least for the next two days until Wednesday/Thursday (depending on where you are on the globe) when Venus will join Saturn in Scorpio -- a difficult planetary square for relationships and partnerships from personal to business.
      At least the moon will have moved as well -- out of Scorpio and into affable Sagittarius, if only temporarily until Friday.

(If you would like to discuss these or any other issues, see my contact information.)

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