06 September, 2013

Astrology: Moon Moves Into Libra: Balance, Justice, Indecision

The Moon at 28 degrees Virgo is transiting into Libra (the sign of the scales of justice) the constellation where Venus is also currently residing.  This bodes well for a diplomatic and just approach to conflict, as well as for personal relationships, in spite of still harsh aspects to overall transits: the continued square between Uranus and Pluto, and between Saturn and Mars, as well as oppositions such as between the Sun and Neptune.
     Fortunately, the Moon and Venus in Libra foster diplomacy in spite of considerable personal and global conflict, but not decisiveness. And although Jupiter in Cancer is well-aspected, it could also contribute to the sense of everything remaining up in the air and unresolved.
      The possibility of severe disruption remains.
       It helps to work at something significant, work which will be aided by Saturn in Scorpio's discipline and Mars in Leo's energy.  And, again, creativity continues to solve personal dilemmas through dreams, music, and art as Neptune in Pisces inspires mystical solutions.  

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