26 September, 2012

Astrology Update: Seattle vs Green Bay

Two days ago I wrote about power struggles worldwide and the addition equation of predominant Libra, sign not only of justice, but of indecision as the scales of balance waiver as they weigh opposing factors to achieve balance.
     So in the United States Monday night, there was a football game (the United States loves football the way other countries love soccer).  This particular game was controversial because of a disputed last minute call by referees (filling in while professionals arguing a contract dispute are not permitted to play),
     As I mentioned in Monday's blog, astrological transits are causing competing forces to erupt in conflict unpredictably.  Anger, injustice, unpredictability are all components of this struggle (see Monday's blog).
    Ultimately, one of several results could spring from this conflict.  The first is that by some twist of fate, justice will reveal itself in events unfolding to ultimately bring unexpected good fortune to the ultimate "winners" (Those deemed winners by universal justice); or (2) Libra's long process of coming to a decision will ultimately overturn the ruling (if it is incorrect), and (3) the professional referees will quickly be returned to the field, a given in this case.
    Keep in mind that the workings of the sky, like nature itself, are far more powerful than human drama, and as Ghandi would say, Good will always prevail.
    In a world of injustice, it is wise to recall that ultimately justice can prevail...although the wait may seem interminable, and the scales of balance lopsided far too often.

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