23 September, 2012

Astrology: Worldwide Power Struggle, Pernicious Square

With the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Libra (sign of Justice and Balance), conflicts and lawsuits point to eventual just resolution.  Carefully consider your options and choose the most balanced, magnanimous approach, then let the scales of justice  follow their course.
    Libra is also a sign of  beauty, harmony, friendship.  It is a good time to socialize, and a time for lively discussions, as long as they remain free of controversial subjects that could stir up Aries-Leo fire.  Music can bring harmony to most unsettling situations, especially if it's upbeat or calming, and doesn't remind you of loss.  The right music can heal where conversation falters.
    The abundance of air and fire in transiting planets can create chaos, and Uranus in firey Aries and Venus in Leo fire add energy to the mix.  It's a good time to summon up  courage because of the continued square between Uranus and Pluto.
    Firey Mars in Pluto-ruled water sign Scorpio cautions everyone to  be wary of power struggles.  Due to the Uranus-Pluto Square and Air-Fire sky, it is best, at this time, to sidestep conflict.  Wait to address it, or let the answer reveal itself in its own time.
    Finally, the Uranus in Aries - Pluto in Capricorn Square continues to perpetuate the planetary struggle between freedom and patriarchial power institutions, resulting in chaos breaking out suddenly  globally, as well as in personal lives.  Because this is an unpredictable struggle, the Capricornian structures continue to crumble in the lightning bolts of Aries' sudden strikes.  Again, best to make your contribution wisely, and if possible, at a distance, or at least -- not in the center  of the conflict.

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