08 November, 2012

Astrology: Neptune in Pisces: Confusion, Illusion, Creativity

Neptune opens doors to intuitive insight, creativity and confusion. In the latter case, for instance, Neptune in your second house, or even transiting that house of money, can cause confusion when you're trying to make decisions. 
     With other presently transiting water signs, Sun as well as Saturn in Scorpio, you most likely will find your intuition more accurate.  But water signs can also make us feel more emotional, or even more susceptible to looking at the glass half empty instead of full. 
     So these are things to watch for now and to remember when troubling situations present themselves.  As for business decisions, with Neptune in Pisces, facts may not be as clear as you'd like, and it might be better to wait, if possible, before making important decisions.  Add to this Mercury's present retrograde position, the wisdom of thinking things through is even more significant.
     With intuition taking such a central role in the current sky, keeping a journal of thoughts and dreams could lead to new solutions to problems that have confounded you.
    So, again, Neptune is a paradox, particularly in Pisces.  It requires caution, patience, but also brings unexpected revelations.

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