09 November, 2012

Astrology/Astronomy: Total Solar Eclipse:November 13 & 14, 2012

(See NASA information on this eclipse: Click on links to the right.)

The powerful total solar eclipse of November 13 & 14 will coincide with already strong transits: double Scorpio (see last post) and corresponding water sign, Pisces (Neptune), continuing a willful, yet intuitive display of passion and deep knowing.  Be careful not to dwell on slights or injustices, but to use the depth of this time to set an intention for 3-6 months.
   Concurrently, Pluto and Uranus are still squared, so in the world, there will again be the potential for volatility, as well as clashes between the new world that is coming into being and the reluctant-to-change status quo.  In your personal life, stay away from angry exchanges or those who try to provoke drama, or even potential violence.
    Keeping this in mind, remember that Solar Eclipses have a lasting effect on the energies in our world.  Even though only those who live in the Southern Hemisphere will have a clear view, the rest of us will feel the energy long after this total eclipse has passed. And because (as ancient Chinese wisdom describes, the flutter of a butterfly wing ripples across the globe, prepare to see more significant change shape one event, which will shape another, etc.
    Look for an increase in Northern Lights that will lead up to this eclipse, and let them become inspiration for the next six months. Take the future into your own hands by writing a plan of what you want and the actions to take to make it happen.
(See my eclipse posts of May 20, 2012 and May 25, 2012.)


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