15 December, 2013

Astrology: Full Moon Affects Each Differently

      It was during a December eclipse of the Moon in Gemini when one of my clients found her boyfriend with another woman. Two things happened in the relationship that day: He brought her gifts, including a lamp he knew she wanted, and a beautiful card to Sweetheart. And that night she was confronted with the confusion of his deception.  Gemini = 2 often different events. And Moon = emotion or personality: 2 different feelings, or 2 different perceptions. The eclipse of that Gemini Moon only intensified Gemini's duality.
      The Full Moon of the 17th this year will not be an eclipse, but it is in Gemini. You might expect two very different events or feelings a day or two before, and particularly on the night of the Full Moon.
      But, in general, transits affect individuals differently because of the variety of charts.  The client affected by the Gemini eclipse had her natal Moon in Gemini conjunct Uranus, which intensified the power of the transiting Gemini Full Moon, and brought shock (Uranus) to the situation. Strangely, the lamp he brought her had a manufacturer's flaw that caused it to start fire.
       Other individuals were/ and are affected less dramatically.

       Remember, Gemini is fun and laughter, and along with transiting Sagittarius, it might increase joy. And the full Moon has a quality of magic that captivated ancient people.
       This is a reprint of one of my posts about transits from August 2011:
When astrologers warn of the approach of frightening aspects, it doesn't mean it will affect you negatively. Each major cosmic configuration, grand trine, grand cross, etc. affects each individual chart differently. Therefore, what may be a difficult grand cross for one person may not affect another. 
There is a theory that there is collective karma (overall planetary aspects) and individual karma. The collective karma can be a stock market crash, or global economic difficulties, which may be caused by an overall planetary configuration (difficult opposition, square, or grand cross).

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