08 December, 2013

Astrology: Cruelty and Egotism Override Compassion

     The I Ching (Ancient Chinese Book of Changes) advises that we are all on the path of spiritual evolution, some far behind us and others not.
     At this time when Saturn in strong water-sign Scorpio is trine Jupiter in water-sign Cancer, you may be challenged by certain earth and fire signs (perhaps your own) that are inclined to dismiss empathy for entrenched solipsism.  The I Ching advises us to follow our path without looking at their spiritual progress or lack of it.   
    It is a difficult time in the world while Uranus and Pluto continue a tense struggle, and there is often less peace and mediation than discord, anger, and inability to see "the whole picture" personally and politically.
    What we seek, according to the I Ching, in the company we keep and in ourselves, is the place beyond egotism, and the support of those around us.  If we find ourselves cheerleaders to others' need for approval, but are not, ourselves, supported and uplifted, we must question whether (according to the I Ching) the relationship is based on "entrenched egotism" (as the I Ching describes it), or fundamental unity.
    According to Abraham Maslow, psychologist, there is a heirarchy of needs in which it is difficult to reach our goals if we do not have shelter or protection.. Countless people, including in developed countries, find themselves in this plight -- without a home, a place to peacefully rest, a sanctuary from the world.
     Yet those who are privileged often cannot comprehend this.
     Ultimately, the I Ching advises, we must seek the higher self, the empathetic self, the being in each of us that is able to try to understand the plight of others with burdens we may never experience.
     It is imperative to try to remember how they must "feel" (water-signs) and the desperation that can come over a person -- for no matter our fortunes, we are all, in some way, a breath away.... Without this "remembering," fire and earth can lead to indifference.
    For those who suffer are as worthy as those who are privileged.  And we cannot judge (Capricorn, ruled by Saturn -- and currently in the planet of Pluto -- great transformation) if we do not consider or comprehend burdens which may never be our own.
    At this time of many spiritual celebrations while the Sun and Mercury are in Sagittarius (ruled by lucky Jupiter), the I Ching advises to meditate on these things, and then to act in kindness.

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