21 September, 2013

Astronomy-Astrology -- Autumn Equinox, Harvest Moon

Sunrises and sunsets are rapid around each equinox: in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It's amazing to intentionally stop to observe this: as if night is sweeping away all trace of daylight. (See "Autumnal Equinox" link to the right and photos and description of the harvest moon, full moon nearest the autumn equinox.)
    The waning full moon has moved from water sign Pisces (where it is well-positioned) to Aries, a fire sign of action and movement that conflicts with the moon's need for emotional resonance and feeling instead of acting. Right now it is conjunct impatient, changeable Uranus in Aries and therefore, squaring Pluto in Capricorn.
     These two Aries placements are also trine Mars in Leo (more need for action). You may feel restlessness and observe impatience around you as well as the need to act (or push) against the status quo.
     Since emotions and actions are presently not in sync, it is wise to plan and pace your actions. Listen to your gut, as this will direct the best course when emotion is otherwise muddled.  Mindfully move forward -- as mindfulness will prevent accidents that could otherwise occur at this time. Try to slow down when you can and actually let yourself feel your emotions. Watch the day rapidly turn to night as the harvest moon begins to wane.  And plan an intention to set the night of the equinox.  

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