17 September, 2013

Astrology: Water Soothes Troubled Sky

If the Sun in Virgo is viewed as a solar chart, Leo (where Mars is currently stationed) is in the 12th house, which represents the unconscious.  This means considerable anger (in the collective and personal psyche) is being repressed and can, therefore, erupt suddenly.  So not only is Mars (action) feeling thwarted, prevented from moving forward, but also the sign it is in - Leo - is feeling uncomfortably behind scenes, where it hates to be. The problem is particularly pressing because Uranus in fire sign Aries also represents sudden, possibly severe, anger.
     As I've mentioned in previous posts, this is a time of harsh aspects: oppositions and squares: not only the continuing square between Uranus and Pluto, but Saturn and Venus square Mars. (It is wise to be careful what you say and to watch your back.)
     Fortunately, the Moon has moved into Pisces, and there are several water trines: between Venus, North Node and Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Cancer; and Moon, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.  These trines can help smooth troubled Scorpio whirlpools, and pacify some of the subconscious fire anger, bringing solutions.
     Sometimes it helps to be literally near water, or to hear water, which represents the unconscious as well as the spiritual realm. According to ancient cultures, water surrounds and protects the earth.
     To give our problems to the subconscious has helped inventors, scientists, artists, politicians, etc.     And while the Sun is in Mercury-ruled Virgo, and the sky is filled with squares and oppositions, we can be confounded by problems, either mulling them over or feeling too overwhelmed to even think.  It helps to sleep, dream; to get out in nature; or to relax in anyway possible if you are able.  Taking care of yourself is essential during transits that could take a toll on health.
      Another positive note is that in several days the Sun will move into Libra, a sign of diplomacy, beauty, and harmonious relationships.

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