22 July, 2013

Electronic Malfunctions

My electrical possessions break when I'm upset.  The more severe the situation, the more bizarre the electrical problem.  A couple of strange but true examples:
        Once a new lamp a boyfriend had gifted me exploded when we broke up. No one was near it. Until that minute it had been working fine with no electrical defects.
        Another time when two later boyfriends demanded I choose between them, my pc crashed, several light bulbs burned out within hours, and the refrigerator temperature started rising.  What's even odder is that a couple of days later when the situation was resolved, the computer suddenly worked and the refrigerator was back to normal. (Nothing had been repaired or replaced, except, of course, the light bulbs.)
       This is Uranian energy; this is Aquarius energy -- characteristic of a chart like mine. (Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius.)
       With Uranus things happen suddenly, and are often like lightning flashing across the sky.
       Aquarius is electrical energy in addition to its more well-known humanitarian, trend-setting characteristics.
       This is the kind of energy of the next few days, beginning with the full moon of July 22.  
       As I've mentioned in other posts, the full moon often brings events to a head, as if things have been building and suddenly reach a climax. A full moon in Aquarius can bring the same electrical events I've described above although your own chart will predict if it is a minor electronic glitch, an argument that could become charged if not handled carefully, or an original discovery or creation that suddenly inspires you.
      This time is compounded by the continuing square I discussed last summer: between transiting Uranus and Pluto: the kind of energy that has helped fuel the global revolutions we have seen in the past couple of years, as well as caused personal disruption.
      Try to roll with setbacks and electrical glitches, and avoid confrontation.  This is a time to tread carefully with friends and acquaintances, avoiding or walking away from charged situations until the moon moves into more complacent, sensitive Pisces on Wednesday July 24.  Make sure to charge your electronics and update virus & firewalls. Pay attention to original flashes, and use them to solve problems. Try to release your own energy through music or sports, or creating something original.
     Things will begin to resolve themselves again, as they did in my examples (with the exception of the lamp, that is -- but you won't let it get that extreme).
     If you would like to explore where Uranus is in your chart, or how it's affecting your love life or career, let me know.