10 July, 2013

Astrology: Maximize Potential -- Slow Down

    Ever been in a hurry, and the faster you go, the more at a snail's pace you seem to be moving?  Wise scientists advise slowing down.  The brain functions more clearly and the body moves more rapidly if you slow your pace instead of follow the impulse to rush.
    Astrologically, the current emphasis continues to be on heart and emotion, particularly today when both moon and venus are conjunct in Leo, and several other planets continue to be in water signs.
     Because venus symbolizes heart's desire, moon signifies feelings, and Leo is a sign of passion, loyalty and showmanship, feelings will be heightened, fiery, and possibly dramatic.
     Because there is so much water in other transiting planets, the tendency may be to feel bogged down in emotion, or overwhelmed by responsibility.  Leo can help lift spirits today as long as it doesn't inspire too much intensity toward others who, particularly at this time, may not be up to dealing with extremes.
    Best to use this time to nurture yourself (several planets in cancer) anyway you can.
    Slow down for maximum productivity, especially when your inner self or the outer world tell you to speed up.  In this way, you will not only take better care of yourself but accomplish more.

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