23 July, 2013

Astrology: Are Predictions Accurate?

       In yesterday's post, I predicted that the Aquarius full moon could result in more electrical and electronic glitches than usual.
      Among the day's events were the mechanical failure of a US passenger airplane, numerous internet service interruptions, wireless disconnections, interrupted phone conversations. On a personal level, when the full moon moved into Aquarius, the homepage of this blog suddenly changed: The ephemeris of astrological symbols on the right suddenly vanished, which hadn't happened before. When I tried to reach the server's website, it was down due to a disruption in the connection with Switzerland. *(See below for the message that appeared when I tried to access the website.)*
      These things could happen any day.  And a dozen examples do not prove a prediction. However, I have often seen this kind of coincidence, as I've discussed with examples in previous posts. Increasingly, scientists are acknowledging the impact of a single event affecting a distant region of the earth, something Taoists posited centuries ago.  Although we are not without control in our personal lives, the moon, planets and constellations do have an impact on earth events. We see it in tidal changes, in meteoric events, and magnetic fields.
       Have you experienced Uranian energy recently?

***       When I tried the website that sponsors the ephemeris, this is what I got:
     The Server is not active
You have reached the notification server of Astrodienst, Switzerland.
There exists a service interruption on the web server at this moment.
We are working on monthly database management.
Please try to contact this server again in 10 minutes. It is likely that it will be running again.

If you find this message displayed during more than one hour, a major problem has
occurred and we recommend that you wait six hours before trying again.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative post and helps to know that how astrology help us.
