01 April, 2017

Astrology: Understanding Houses and Transits

I need to clarify "houses."The houses indicate where the energy is concentrated in a birth (natal) chart and what is emphasized when a planet transits a house. For example, there is a planet at 27 degrees Sagittarius in the 4th house of my birth chart.
      Right now, Saturn is transiting Sagittarius at 27 degrees, which means it is conjunct my natal planet.
      Because Saturn is a stern taskmaster, this transit has been severely affecting me. The 4th house is "home," which indicates that this is more apparent at home.
      The first house is at 9:00 and the seventh is at 3:00 as if you were looking at a clock. The second house is at 8:00. The last house (the 12th) is at 10:00.*
      I hope this helps you figure out your own chart and how transits affect you - by checking in which houses you have planets and which are being transited.

* I hope my next post will be about the 12th house.