21 March, 2017

Happy Spring! Time to Accomplish, but also Relax

Okay, so this is it.  First full day of Spring!
      And the Sun is in Aries with 3 other planets. That's a lot of Aries action, a lot of fire, a lot of potential anger.  Plus, Mars (planet of anger) is in Taurus (lovely, earthy, but stubborn).
      Check where Aries and Taurus are in your chart (in which house). If it's the 7th, watch for a busy time in your primary relationship, and/or possible anger. Be careful of small flare-ups that could lead to a breakup.
      If Taurus is in your 8th house, you might come into money. You might also invest money at this time. Bring something comfortable and beautiful into your environment (even a large candle if you don't have a fireplace), or large comfortable pillows and music that relaxes you.
      Do what you can to chill.