04 November, 2013

Astrology: Overwhelmed by Details

If you are suddenly feeling increasingly overwhelmed by accumulated tasks, blame Mars in Virgo (sign of details). Mars (action) will be impeded by this demanding earth sign until December 8 when it moves into more harmonious Libra, removing the cloud of tasks that must be done NOW.
    Venus is concurrently in Sagittarius, which prefers running, swimming, dancing, laughing, traveling -- or --when still -- thinking about philosophy. Meanwhile, the Sun and two planets continue in Scorpio, and two other planets in Pisces and Cancer -- all water signs -- reluctant to be stuck at a desk, trying to organize papers, and one detailed chore after another.  
    Scorpio urges us to try to understand our "Shadow" self and to swim the deep waters of the unconscious and dreams.  Pisces is inspiration and intuition, and Cancer -- more feeling, nurturing, and often -- drawing  into a protective shell -- like its symbol the crab -- when overwhelmed by earth's demands.  
     While the sky has been filled with squares and oppositions, and we are just past an intense Solar Eclipse, there is a temporary break in the form of trines (positive aspects) between water planets, and the passing Sagittarius moon trine Aries Uranus.  
       Detailed tasks, therefore, must be taken slowly, in small sections -- with as many breaks as possible to honor Sagittarius' need for levity and Scorpio water-planet rejection of frenzy.  
       Water offers calm. Taking even a few minutes to focus on what soothes and brings you joy will increase dopamine levels, offsetting the stress. The resulting calm will continue during busywork, lengthening telomeres and extending youth and health -- in spite of difficult circumstances.

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