08 November, 2013

Astrology: Do You Feel Trapped

You may feel pressured or trapped for the next several days as Saturn and Pluto surround us like heavy fog.
       In the myth of searching for the Holy Grail, the legendary Gawain was enveloped in a similar fog, unable to see a way out. Despair often results.
        Presently, planet rulers (Saturn -- cold as steel, and restrictive -- and Pluto, turbulent and often dangerous) are overhead.
        If we cannot see a way forward, a way out, Scorpio urges us to go down -- into the depths of our unconscious -- where great thinkers have found solutions that seemed impossible.
        Temporarily, the Moon is squaring Mercury.  So our feelings and thoughts may not be in unison, and this tension can cause irritation and anger. But the Moon always moves quickly, so this is temporary.
        But Capricorn and Scorpio planets can feel oppressive, particularly with sensitive Cancer feeling any and all burdens as emotionally extreme.
        It's imperative to use the water planets of this time for self-care because some of us can be overwhelmed by the emotional demands of this restrictive time.  And with no apparent way out, we can feel literally "at the end of our rope."
        But there are also positive trines and sextiles. If we can just follow the positive side of Scorpio, answers will come. Like Gawain, the mountain we're striving for will come into view -- or we'll be presented with an even better solution, or person, than we may be presently able to imagine.

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