18 October, 2013

Astrology: Lunar Eclipse -- Danger & Opportunity

The eclipse later in the afternoon (North American Time) of the 18th is powerful. As with other eclipses, it will have aftereffects (in this case, considering the energy involved -- "aftershocks") if it is not handled calmly and wisely.  The Sun in Libra and Full Moon in Aries are opposed, which is clashing energy.  Both form a square (more harsh energy) with Jupiter in Cancer.  Also, Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio are conjunct.  Watch out for angry drivers switching lanes and darting in front, possibly causing an accident; and for unreasonable as well as stealthy, plotting acquaintances, landlords, or other "authority" figures.  If you are aware of this energy around us and proceed cautiously (Libra, Scorpio) and bravely (Aries), you may outwit, or at least escape the brunt of this eclipse.
      Cancer is home, family, nurturing. Take care of yourself, as well as those you care about. Also, the Aries full moon eclipse epitomizes adventure/exploring new ways of being in the world.  You may find yourself thinking about this, and changing, well after this eclipse has passed.  You may begin to nurture talents you have long had but left lie dormant, or transform your relationships or appearance.
There is danger in the still wide, but strong trine between Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn; and also the power trine between Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. But although the Mars-Pluto and Venus-Uranus energy is potentially abrupt and volatile, a trine is positive, and an eclipse is not necessarily negative. So here is energy to be aware of, respected for its power, and used wisely in moving away from danger and toward positive transformation.
       Power-struggles will continue in the persistent square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn.  This is a lot of fire, and earth energy -- potentially volatile, but also (if directed calmly) positive life-changing. Everyone, particularly sensitive people, or women in abusive relationships, needs to listen to their 6th Sense. This eclipse can be like a lion chasing you, reaching claws to scratch an arm just as you turn to a glimmering horizon, narrowly escaping the danger and beginning to find what you've been looking for all along.

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