21 June, 2013

We are Nature: Summer Solstice

We woke this morning to thunder speaking through the sky and a horizon of charcoal clouds. Minutes later, the drama began, wind and rain lashing trees, and lightning interrupting electricity several times. Solstice storm.
     To celebrate the day, 15,000 people gathered in New York City to do yoga: trying to practice calm, they say, in a hub of our increasingly frantic, noisy world.  If you can lie down, they reason, look up at sky scrapers, and relax, then you can find peace anywhere.
     We often live as if we are of the artificial world we have created (a human world of cars and landfills) and forget that we are literally electromagnetic energy. Our bodies follow the rhythms of the earth. Children heal when they are allowed to run free in nature. Elders who live in natural environments, eating organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, and honey, remain healthier.
    Many of us are perplexed as nature reacts to our separatism. We are baffled by floods and fires and try not to think of how the pesticides and chemicals that pervade our lives affect us and our children, as well as animals, waterways, and trees that haven't been deforested.
     Solstice is a time to remember and revere Nature.  In ancient times, people feasted and danced to celebrate the first day of summer. Bonfires were lit to symbolize the sun.
     Astrologically, the moon is now in enthusiastic fire sign Sagittarius. Moon means mood, and Sagittarius is joyful and lucky -- a sign of laughter. Meanwhile, the sun and two planets are currently in water sign Cancer, symbolizing Mother Earth and nurturing.  And there are other water planets transiting, Scorpio and Pisces, which increases water's calming influence on us.
     Water is spiritual and soothing.  Think of swimming, if you're a swimmer, or of watching a river flow or waves roll in -- of how water calms the body, bringing it in tune with the natural world.
     Try to be near water, or in "sacred woods."
     Leave a gift for the spirits of nature, and a gift will come back to you in return.
     With two planets continuing in air sign Gemini, write your thoughts and feelings in a journal, or express your ideas to others in lively conversations, and feel the air around you flow through your body.
     Try to celebrate, if not with others, then with nature itself, which is a companion, an amazing energy, a healer. Just to look at a tree, a cardinal or bluebird, or a thundering sky can bring you up when you feel most down.  And in the good times, nature will give you energy to save.... Nature is to be preserved and honored, and celebrating solstice recognizes its magnificence.


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