01 December, 2012

Astrology: Power Struggles, Rage

Under this sky, there is more than the potential for conflicts and power struggles.  Scorpio prevails in Mercury, a wide conjunct to Venus as well as Saturn in Scorpio Quincux Jupiter in Gemini. This much Scorpio can mean power plays, revenge, and venomous words.  This presents the possibility of sudden, unexpected conflicts erupting and continuing planet-wide, as well as personally with friends, family, or strangers who (consciously or subconsciously) incite arguments and power struggle when you least expect.  
      At the same time, the continuing square between Pluto and Uranus (in Aries) is another red flag to watch for.  Try to stay out of the field of others' drama, if you can.  If you're in the middle of it, it's better to walk away.  On the level of the collective unconscious, anger is prevalent.  There are better things to do with our energy (Sun in Sagittarius) and Jupiter in Gemini (clever thoughts and words) than become entrenched in others' games.  Dance, sing, decorate, paint, write, talk about non-contentious subjects.  
     Besides, the Moon in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces could lead us to feel despondent, even to grief, or at least -- to put ourselves down, blaming ourselves, or demeaning ourselves in the wake of all the anger and tension in the air. This makes it imperative that energy is positively channeled.  
    Finally, there is an ADD-like frenzy in the air with Sun opposed Jupiter,  and a tendency to feel overwhelmed by holiday preparations, or -- in affluent Capitalistic countries -- shopping.  Try to slow down, organize, keep it simple, and avoid being the target of angry drivers or shoppers.

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