20 December, 2011

Paradox of Western Yuletide, Moon Scorpio, Psyche Calling us Within to dreams, recurring images

While most Westerners are rushing around during the holiday season, the current transiting Moon in Scorpio is calling us within, eliciting powerful emotional responses to external events. This moon position is less likely to take the form of acting out, but of control and deep inner transformation. Carl Jung, psychologist disciple of Freud, pioneered traveling inward to follow each of our unique individual symbols, which will initiate understanding, and ultimately, change. He postulated that this delving into the interior of ourselves, which we often ignore (the workings of the subconscious), through exploring our dreams and recurring images, can literally heal what has been broken in ourselves, and eventually, the world.
The moon in Scorpio can also initiate powerful external circumstances: This is not a time to be playful with feelings or events.
As the scales of justice continue to attempt balance in the world, so it is within us to continually move inward, striving for balance between revolution and rest, momentum forward and then - stepping back through reflection and turning within.
In Greek mythology, numerous obstacles often deterred Psyche on her long quest (heroine's journey), and compelled stopping temporarily (symbolic of going within).

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