23 October, 2011

Neptune, Moon - feelings

The person I mentioned last month, who has a Pisces Moon, has a couple of ways of dealing with this Pisces-Moon combination. Pisces is a sensitive sign, sympathetic, kind. It can be difficult for a person with this moon because the moon is emotional, and Pisces makes it more so. But in her case, the other planets in her chart, mostly earth and air, balance and can confuse. This comes out when she speaks of traumatic experiences, often diminishing them, and bringing them up only later in bits and pieces. Often her predominance of earth makes her almost completely ignore her sensitivity, disregarding or degrading it, saying she'd rather not pay attention to it at all. Then she begins to rush about (air planets sending her in various directions, doing everything but attend to her feelings). Whether or not this the best way to handle feelings, I cannot say. It's not what many people would do. But it can be a way of dealing, distracting ourselves. My mother used physical activity. Once after she had spent a couple of hours digging up the garden, a neighbor said, You must really be angry about something.
Another thing about moon in Pisces is the Neptune element. Where we have neptune, we can become confused. Neptune is creative, but elusive.
How do you cope with your feelings?

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