16 March, 2017

Moon in Scorpio: Danger, Subterfuge vs. Evolved Interactions

"Moon in Scorpio can produce dramatic events although this moon transit can also represent subterfuge, significant events not apparent on the surface.  Continued reserve is advisable. However, things will begin to transform in the next day or so as the Moon moves into the lighter sign of Sagittarius."
"Cars have been weaving through lanes perilously close, cutting others off, then speeding into the distance, narrowly missing other cars, SUV's, trucks, even pedestrians.
     "Oh," I thought.  "The moon must be in Scorpio."  So I looked, and it was and is.
     When the moon is full, doctors and nurses complain about emergency rooms.  Moon in Scorpio is similar.  The result is recklessness. Look everywhere when you're driving as well as walking. Try not to be distracted. And, again, in all things, slow down.
      But there's more.
      Moon in Scorpio is manipulation.  It is others taking out their anger on us. What is hidden is revealed.
      All of this is particularly true now when the continuing Uranus-Pluto square is exact."
Above are two of several Moon in Scorpio posts I've written for this blog.  Right now, the Moon is in Scorpio again. You never know what's going to happen when the Moon floats through Scorpio (who can sting like a Scorpion; or fly like an eagle). If you're interested in more about this and Scorpio in general, type Moon Scorpio in the left Search sidebar on this blog, or check out Moon Posts listings (right sidebar).