Sometimes everything seems to be a message; other times - nothing does.
This idea of "messages" was a recurring theme around campfires in the Washington wilderness. Storytellers tried to explain why they believed in "signs" -- like suddenly hearing a song that points the way when you feel lost, or brings you up when you're down; or a "word" that comes to you that seems significant. A professor I knew always said that the "mistakes" we make when we write, paint, or create music are "fortunate errors" -- "gifts" that make the story or painting better, or that give the work, or your life, direction.
According to "the butterfly effect," the slightest movement of a wing can create a change on another side of the planet. So if a word, or a wing, could create an effect, all the more so the atmosphere of a room when one person walks in, and another leaves. How much more, then, when the zeitgeist is altered by a Presidential election?
Some may believe elections have little effect on our personal lives. But after a while it becomes clear that our good fortune, problems, even the viability of our choices are affected by these political rhythms.
Astrologically, the Uranus-Pluto square continues to affect global politics and discord. People continue to rebel against traditional restraints while "authorities" clamp down harder: Turkey, Egypt, Syria are the most tragic, glaring examples of this tug-of-war -- although it's apparent in Europe, Britain, the U.S. - globally: Freedom, prosperity vs. dictatorial governance and austerity.
This idea of "messages" was a recurring theme around campfires in the Washington wilderness. Storytellers tried to explain why they believed in "signs" -- like suddenly hearing a song that points the way when you feel lost, or brings you up when you're down; or a "word" that comes to you that seems significant. A professor I knew always said that the "mistakes" we make when we write, paint, or create music are "fortunate errors" -- "gifts" that make the story or painting better, or that give the work, or your life, direction.
According to "the butterfly effect," the slightest movement of a wing can create a change on another side of the planet. So if a word, or a wing, could create an effect, all the more so the atmosphere of a room when one person walks in, and another leaves. How much more, then, when the zeitgeist is altered by a Presidential election?
Some may believe elections have little effect on our personal lives. But after a while it becomes clear that our good fortune, problems, even the viability of our choices are affected by these political rhythms.
Astrologically, the Uranus-Pluto square continues to affect global politics and discord. People continue to rebel against traditional restraints while "authorities" clamp down harder: Turkey, Egypt, Syria are the most tragic, glaring examples of this tug-of-war -- although it's apparent in Europe, Britain, the U.S. - globally: Freedom, prosperity vs. dictatorial governance and austerity.