25 December, 2015

Full Moon Mystery

This year's full Christmas moon is rare not only because it's the first in 40 years, but also because it reveals secrets -- the otherwise unseen half of things.  So you can open unexpected gifts, be surprised by unanticipated events, or learn something you'd like to know, or would rather not know.
    A full moon always sheds light. It makes the darkest of night roads walkable. You never know what you'll see.  But this full moon is a kind of trickster. Maybe someone will surprise you with a vacation, or friends you hadn't expected will contact you. Or the moon might disclose a secret. Whatever it is, the surprise is the tricky part because it's as if someone flipped a coin. This isn't something you've been thinking about. And the surprise element can occur a few days before and after the full moon.
     It's also a time of comfort -- if we can take a deep breath and indulge the beauty of the season: the blue, green, red lights and candles burning, the smell of wood smoke and the silver of a world under moonlight. Then hunker down in as much comfort as possible, and imagine curtains opening to a stage lit by the moon. There is always mystery. According to the I Ching, remaining composed in shock, or surprise, is mastery.

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