09 September, 2015

The I Ching Can Solve Problems

When you don't know where to turn, and no one is there for you, this is. Clarify your problems within minutes. Understand if your relationship will work, if someone will come back to you, or if a friend regrets mistreating you.  Realize if you're taking the wrong direction. All it takes is an open mind and an ancient text.
      I learned this when I moved to Washington State where friends in the wilderness used it to solve their problems. A tattered gold, padded hardcover was the first I Ching I saw.  A musician there used it to solve love dilemmas as well as plan the direction of his life. At the time I had no idea how potent a book it could be or how magically his life would change.
      Once he got a reading that said he would "Cross the Great Water." I thought this was superstition that would never happen.  He was very poor at the time and seemed to lack ambition.  But within months, he
was traveling to Belize, and from there flying to distant islands. He also got an excellent, well-paying IT job which flew him to distant locations
      I began t realize the I Ching worked for me as well, and could help others.
      Based on ancient Chinese wisdom, the I Ching is a gage to the mysteries of quantum physics.  But the version (translation) you use is crucial to receiving the most accurate answers.
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