19 April, 2014

Astrology: Love Predestined

Have you wondered if your life is predestined?  Or do you believe we sail our own ship?  (In dreams of driving a car, if the dreamer handles the car skillfully, she probably has control of her life.  On the other hand, dreams of someone else driving often means someone else we know has taken control.)
     Astrologically, fixed signs like Taurus need to believe they're in control.  On the other hand, those with strong cardinal signs like Aries or Capricorn in their charts usually take charge and initiate action.  Aries, for example, is so efficient, Aries individuals do not need others to tell them how to do something.
    I first saw two friends when they were teens who hung out in the same area of the city. They knew each other at the time but she married his best friend.  Now, years later, they have reconnected and married.  
    They both have a plethora of Taurus planets, which makes them appreciate luxury, entertaining, and creating beauty and stability.  She has Aries rising, and is as efficient as the sign, but not overly fiery because of the calm of her Taurus planets. 
     I've seen predestination in the charts of other couples. In  the case of this particular couple, their charts clearly indicated they were destined to be together eventually and that their lives would touch and twine until the destiny was fulfilled.
     In surveys of rooms of people, over 60% have told me that they "knew" they would marry a person the minute they saw him or her.
     Do you think your relationship is predestined?
     Is there someone you've met who seems to be an eventual soul mate?

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