06 January, 2014

Astrology: Seek Protection & Nurturing

Today while the moon is still in Pisces and several planets and the sun continue in earth, things continue to be relatively calm as they have been the past few days.
      But the moon will ingress into Aries within the next day. Aries is a sign that can do just about anything well.  It is straight-forward, outspoken, and quick-moving.  
      But the moon is emotion. And moon in Aries (like Aries where Uranus continues to be, squaring Capricorn) is harsh, painful, upsetting news and events.
      Expect people to be blunt, even harsh or cruel, and anger to prevail. This is especially treacherous with Capricorn still dominating the astrological map.  
     The moon in Aries means another hard square to all that Capricorn. Capricorn can be lasting marriage, but for practical reasons: money and appearance rather than love.  It can also be solidity: something to lean on. But it always means the "powers that be": financial institutions, legal matters, and harsher realities. As mentioned, particularly difficult is the hard square it will form  against Moon and Uranus in Aries.
     Best to try to diffuse some of the tension this can bring with the nurturing and healing of Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. Protect yourself, nurture yourself, create something lovely to counter harsh realities. And if that is impossible and you are able, try to do something for those facing even harsher realities, or harsh winters without protection. 
     According to various spiritual teachings, we are here to raise the planetary vibration. This includes helping those less fortunate, and concentrating on our higher angels. Break down the old, the outworn through nurturing, forgiving, healing.

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