10 January, 2014

Astrology: The Couple -- Accurate Progressed Chart

I have seen the accuracy of astrology too many times to dismiss it, in spite of all my "practical" education. One interesting prediction it can make is the likelihood of a love match at a certain time. Astrology can show when a person will meet a true love and continue into a long-term relationship or marriage.
    The progressed chart can show this.  I've seen many individuals who have certain aspects in one or both charts meet and become involved in long term relationships. Often it was unexpected, and several times, it has been with people who knew each other before, went their separate ways, and then re-met and formed a relationship when this aspect became apparent in their progressed chart.
     As in the quotes I've included in the headers to this homepage (under Katherine de Jersey, A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing), astrology is complex and not something that can be easily figured out by simple daily horoscopes, which are fun but far too general.  Even the general predictions of transits I give here on a regular basis become more accurate if you know your own chart and where current transits affect your natal and progressed chart.  
    I did a progressed chart for each of a couple I know.  They had known each other since high school, and even sometimes saw each other at gatherings through the years.  But one or both were in other relationships.  It wasn't until her progressed Sun and Moon became conjunct (a long-term partnership aspect) that she saw him as a potential partner when they re-met more recently. Within a short time, they married and are now in a long-term harmonious relationship.  In other words, he was always interested in her.  But their life circumstances changed, as did her perception of a relationship with him..
    Their charts indicated that they were destined to be together. It's easy for cynical individuals to discount astrology until events illuminate its accuracy.

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