27 October, 2013

Astrology:Saturn Return: Finding Your Path

     The two to three years of a Saturn Return often feel like wandering through a maze until the way out reveals itself.
        Saturn is in early degrees of Scorpio. This will affect you if you were born 29-30 years ago. A Saturn Return (when the planet Saturn returns to the sign it was in at the person's birth) first occurs at 29-30 years old.  At this time, monumental, life-changing events begin, usually baffling and disorienting the person. He/she is often unaware that these events are destined to align him/her with their life purpose. This includes career, but also character..
      In general, strong Saturn in a natal chart can bring accomplishment and success. And Saturn aspects are also present in long-term relationships. Saturn symbolizes responsibility, but it isn't known for warmth. The Saturn return usually exposes the person to harsh reality. A parent may become ill or die, or there may be other losses or career disappointments. But it also brings enlightenment and discovering new paths.
      I've written several posts about athletes and sports ( including 1/5/12, 6/5/12, and 7/24/13).  The first post began with the following:
      Has your favorite sport hero been accused of using performance drugs?
      Do you believe it? From Tour de France winners to football heroes, we never know when the      chosen favorite will quickly fall from a pedestal simply for being accused.... Does the Sun sign indicate a person who is, by nature of his/her natal sign disciplined? Is Virgo prominent in the chart and/or at least aligned with a significant planet? Where is Saturn?
       In the US major league baseball scandal, star athletes have met varying penalties, including suspensions, and had various reactions. Alex Rodriquez is suing, others have been suspended, including Ryan Braun. With the exception of the team owner, most who looked up to this Most Valuable Player have turned on him. Recently, there is speculation of a trade, which has, in turn, been attributed to rumor. This is where Saturn's return comes in.
This athlete, who will be 30 on November 17, is in the midst of his Saturn return. Characteristic of the Saturn Return, he has been experiencing upheaval. His several Sagittarius planets depict an extraordinary athlete. But transiting Saturn has been passing over his natal Saturn in Scorpio, and has already passed over his natal Pluto, also in Scorpio in an early degree.  In addition, his Moon is in Aries. What this depicts is the following:
      An individual with several Sagittarius planets (indicating a need for freedom), with Saturn hovering near his Pluto (transformation, upheaval) and conjunct his Saturn (restriction), moving toward his natal Sun in Scorpio. Transiting Uranus has been passing over his Moon in Aries, indicating a need (Moon -- feelings) for sudden change (Uranus). His natal Mars in Virgo (mentioned in earlier posts) indicates an individual who performs (Mars - action) best (Virgo - perfectionism) when respected (Virgo).
      For these reasons, it appears that circumstances (natal chart characteristics & Saturn Return) are moving this athlete and the forces around him (Saturn) toward change (Uranus, Pluto), psychological, and possibly physical..
      If you would like to discuss your own Saturn Return, or that of a relative or friend, let me know.  

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