05 June, 2013

Astrology: Athletes, Steroids -- Court of Opinion

From time to time I write about astrology and health.  In a recent post, for example, I discussed the correlation between what we take in and who we become (5/13/13). Other posts have addressed sports and health (1/5/12, 2/24/12, 3/8/12).  One post in particular, "Steroids and Sports," covers power, performance enhancement, and the pressure of competition.
      The news is filled with possible proof of numerous baseball stars using performance-enhancing substances. Into the equation falls a February Twitter speculation; previous but since dispelled accusations against certain athletes; and a deal made by Anthony Bosch, former anti-aging clinic owner and purported dispenser of PEDs.
      As everyone knows, a deal suggests pressure, not necessarily truth. What may never be revealed is what each athlete actually used, or considered using, to achieve peak performance.  As noted in previous blogs, many legal substances may result in false positive tests, just as banned substances can yield false negatives.
     As any athlete knows, remaining in peak condition is complex and demanding, requiring specific nutrition, workouts, mind-set, sleep, discipline, relaxation, and overall attitude.  No matter how strong-willed the athlete, at some point, there is always insecurity in any human being.  To keep the body in top shape requires not only continual commitment, but luck: luck at being able to shape and train oneself to attain effective, even winning, performance; luck at avoiding injuries; luck at attracting others (from mentors and trainers to fans) who will root for you most of the time; and luck at avoiding and deflecting envy and schadenfreude.
     In my last two posts of May 2013, I mentioned that what had been hidden was being revealed. At present, the Sun and two planets are in loquacious Gemini. Words are flying, opinions are spreading. Opinions incite emotion, which persuades us. But truth involves fact, not opinion: critical thinking that objectively considers details and concrete facts, which opinion distorts.
     Astrologically, the stern taskmaster Saturn (responsibility) is in mysterious, deep Scorpio. In other words, responsibility is being demanded of a sign (Scorpio) that can fly like an eagle or slither like a serpent, but does not march to any collective drum.
     Simultaneously, Neptune (illusion) is in Pisces (more illusion), creating consequent confusion (See post of 11/8/12).  And the continuing tight, constricting square between Pluto and Uranus makes all situations tense and possibly explosive.
    While I am not saying it is unlikely that athletes under enormous pressure may do what they can to enhance their performance, it is surprising how quickly a "verdict" seems to have been reached -- without having all the facts. There is little room for truth when numerous individuals are suddenly categorized and judged.
     It would be wise to pause before joining the court of opinion, and in the meantime, tend to how the planets and constellations affect us individually. What do we take in?  How can we deflect group-think and negativity?

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