03 May, 2013

Astrology: Pisces, Taurus -- Music, Creating, Taking it Easy

     The Moon and Neptune in Pisces suggest creativity, sensitivity and enhanced intuition.
     Four planets in Taurus indicate beauty, luxury, charm and music. If you are an artist or musician, it is a good time to create.
     You may even find yourself creating a more harmonious life or luxurious environment.  With these planets, there is also a need and tendency to slow down and seek the comforts of life.
     Now there is only one planet in Aries, so the impulse to rush is not as acute.
     The earth of Taurus and Capricorn and water of Pisces and of Saturn in Scorpio makes this, in general, a time to take it easy.  It is better to focus on accomplishing at the comfortable pace of Taurus rather than stepping to Saturn's strict demands.

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