15 May, 2013

Astrology: Moon in Firey Leo: Passionate Intensity and The Shadow

Poet William Butler Yeats' used the term "passionate intensity" to refer to a time of excessive enthusiasm that pushes certainty to extreme conviction.  This kind of conviction often arises from our Shadow: the part of ourselves that we try to repress and, in turn, project onto another person or thing.
     (What we try to repress comes out in some way because we cannot squelch what we really are.  Often it reveals itself in intense feelings against another person or group.) As an example: if we feel unhappy with our lives, we may project this unhappiness onto an acquaintance, lover or political figure.
     One way to tell if a group is projecting is the over-zealous nature of the anger.
      Now that the moon has moved into the passionate fire sign Leo, and the planets in earth are down to three (2 in Taurus, 1 in Capricorn), intensity and activity increase. With several planets in air sign Gemini, there is a swirl of ideas combined with the haste of firey Uranus in Aries and Moon in Leo.
     Try to channel ideaa: use the passion to move forward toward making those dreams come true while you ground yourself with the stability of the remaining earth planets.
      It helps to "listen" to feelings of extreme rage, passionately expressed.  Often, they are signs of our Shadow rather than our authentic self.
     Actions of the shadow, individually or collectively, at a time like this when Uranus and Pluto are exactly conjunct (see previous post) cannot bring a healthy resolution to individual or social conflict.
     On the other hand, Leo's loyalty to family, loving nature, and good-hearted friendliness can guide us toward collaborating to resolve problems through understanding and compromise at the balanced pace of Taurus and Capricorn: easier said than done, but well worth the try.
     As each of us resolve our Shadow projections individually, we remove one more negative from the collective shadow.

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