30 March, 2013

Astrology: Preponderance of Fire

Aries rules this sky.  And Aries, the constellation of the ram, is the fireyest of the three fire signs.  If you have known an Aries, or someone with Aries prominent in her or his chart, you will have observed Aries efficiency; ability to do almost anything and everything;/ and the tendency to be abrupt or quick tempered.  
      With Aries Sun sign and several planets, there is a propensity for conflict and abrupt behavior.  People may be more short-tempered than usual, and feuds are apt to crop up where least expected.  
      The positive aspects of all this Aries include efficiency, ability to take charge when you might otherwise feel reluctant, and starting new projects and completing those that remain unfinished. 
      If you've been wanting to ask for a raise, or ask someone to go out with you, now you will feel more urgent, as well as confident and assertive.  This could go well as long as you keep in mind that Aries is argumentative, and with all this Aries. you may need to explain yourself calmly, or back off and wait for a less conflicted time.  
     In conjunction with the Aries stellium, Uranus and Pluto remain in a close square, so this is a time to redouble caution.  
     Finally, although Aries is a planet of war, not love, its sudden, unexpected energy can spin into sudden passion and kindle a firey ardor....  But keep in mind that it can also spin an equally firey rage.

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