04 February, 2013

Astrology: Aquarius Humanitarian

Three strong planets continue in Aquarius, a sign of humanitarian rather than personal relationship.  In general, people with strong Aquarius placements in their charts do tend to be community-oriented, wanting the best for all beings, but can find personal relationships more difficult.  This is because Aquarius cares about making a better world that includes all beings: not just those who are most famous, wealthiest, and popular.  It's like the song "Aquarius": equality and understanding....
    But Aquarians can have difficulty with personal feelings, often feeling more comfortable being unemotional.  They are cool, less inclined to overt expression of anger -- unless, of course, there are other planets (water signs, for instance, like warm Cancer) aspecting it.  This is the contradiction in this week's sky.  While Aquarius transits are prominent, water signs Pisces and Scorpio are also present.  This brings emotion to the foreground, conflicting with Aquarius' cool demeanor.  Pisces, especially, is sensitive, in tune with "supernatural" energies while also very receptive to intuition from the collective unconscious.  Therefore, Pisces can often "tell" the future whereas Aquarius sets the trends, being ahead of and leading others toward new ways of being in the world (from fashion to politics).  Pisces is so sensitive that it often prefers to curl up and hibernate when the world becomes too much, Aquarius goes out into the world.  Pisces dances well with a few; Aquarius strides ahead into the world..  
      Finally, Pisces can become confused when overwhelmed because with Neptune ruling it, perception (while intuitive) is often illusory when it comes to real world matters.  Beautiful Pisces are the seers, the artists.  Aquarians the game-changers.
     You will most likely observe this in your personal and general activities in the next week or two.

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