22 January, 2013

Astrology: Air Planet Transits = Ideas

This week brings a preponderance of air signs and the ideas they bring.  It's a good time to write and express these ideas in a journal or published piece.  The addition of earth, Capricorn, indicates writing down plans and goals.
      With Moon and Jupiter in Gemini and Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Aquarius, moods lighten.  Sun and Moon conjunct in Aquarius add continuity between the overall Aquarian essence and the thoughts present in the collective unconscious.  Aquarius can be a trend setter if well-aspected by other signs.  But in this case, the cautious,  conservative nature of Capricorn, presently in both Venus and Pluto, tempers the originality of Aquarius, and can even prevent unique ideas from manifesting in our lives.  This is true both in personal charts with Aquarius sun signs but Capricorn planets, as well as in transits like the present.  But this caution can be used to carefully shape Aquarius ideas and bring them into fruition -- if we are aware of the conflict between these two forces.
     Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, another positive in the present sky, adds additional clever air signs, but also an element of change. Gemini can be brilliant but the Moon in Gemini can vacillate between moods and feelings.
    Saturn in Scorpio forms a wide square, which can interfere with the flow of the numerous air transits.  Also, the difficult square between Uranus and Pluto continues to dominate the sky.
    It is best to avoid confrontation and, rather, concentrate on the projects that can be begun under this week's sky, as well as brainstorm ideas with groups, engage in humanitarian (Aquarian) endeavors, and enjoy the light-hearted and stimulating atmosphere and company air transits create.

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