21 July, 2012

Astrology: Pernicious Uranus-Pluto Square

The Uranus-Pluto transit is a dangerous square that can set off revolution anywhere around the globe, as well as in our personal lives.  With Uranus, things happen suddenly, and squaring Pluto, cause chaos: a breaking down of order, both individually and collectively.  It is wise to move slowly at this time, yet try to maintain calm amid tumultuous events.
      While it is wise never to let fear dominate your life, don't flirt with danger at a time like this.  This includes rebelling against oppressive authority:  Make a plan, but proceed cautiously at working it out.  If you're in a potentially explosive situation of any kind, maintain reserve for now. This is especially true of abusive relationships and power struggles of all kinds.
       Tread lightly, travel unobtrusively, drive slowly, and above all -- listen past the demands of the status quo,  the media, and groups around you -- to your inner voice, which is often soft-spoken, yet persistent, trying to tell you  what direction is best, as well as safest, for you alone.