29 October, 2011

Scorpio Halloween; Beneficial Trines

Scorpio often carries the burden of negative denotation: It is considered a sign of death, manipulation, etc. But it is primarily a sign of insight, perception, and the transformation that comes with Jungian analysis, and other methods of delving into subconscious and unconscious motives. With the understanding that comes from these methods of exploration, it will be easier to uncover hidden motives and traumas, and bring them to the surface to heal in the light. Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio also help us perceive what is causing certain feelings and how to interpret relationships and events. Be careful about expressing (mercury) your feelings (venus) so intensely that you disarm those who do not know you well, or if you feel angry with anyone.
It will be easier this Halloween weekend and beyond because there is also a trine between Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, which bring strength and grounding and further positive transformation. This trine will make any trauma seem lightened by unexpected positive, and in for some of us - magical, events.

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