06 August, 2011

Cardinal Grand Cross

The Cardinal Grand Cross astrologers are warning about occurs on August 11 and 12, but its influence will be felt several days before, particularly on the 9th and 10th, and a day or so after the 12th. 
     This grand cross means four difficult signs (Libra, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn) are squared (creating considerable tension), and this brings with it oppositions as well.  A square is 90 degrees, an opposition 180. 
     The grand cross includes Saturn (in Libra 13 degrees), Mars (in Cancer 5 degrees), Uranus in (Aries 4 degrees), and Pluto - (Capricorn 5 degrees). 
     If you have your own personal natal chart, you can look at which houses Libra, Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer will be in, and how close in degree to the planets in your natal chart. 
     In general, Mars in Cancer is depleted energy.  Therefore, it could temper the other planets, all of which tend to shake things up: Uranus (sudden change) in Aries (Aries is ruled by Mars).  Pluto and Uranus both equal shock, which is why I blogged a few days ago about the I Ching's interpretation of shock.  Saturn is the planet of restriction.  (I would use this as one of your clues.  Try to hold back if you feel anger during this time, and to stay away from arguments others may try to provoke.) With the anger of Mars and Aries so much a part of this Grand Cross, arguments and power struggles have a greater chance of occurring.  To deal with them, use the slow simmering, less abrupt Cancer energy, and forestall the force with as much calm as you are able to muster (think of a calm lake)....or even get away for awhile during this time.  Drive carefully and guard against road rage, no matter who cuts you off. 
    Stay safe -- take care of yourself -- and never live your life in fear.

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